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If you’ve been dealing with lukewarm showers, rusty kitchen water or a new smell coming from your washer, it could be time to replace your water heater.

From cooking and cleaning to laundry and other tasks, your water heater affects a great deal of your day-to-day life — and can have a serious impact on it, should it break unexpectedly.

While replacing your water heater is inevitable, it is possible to catch signs of water heater failure early, so you can either schedule repairs or begin researching affordable replacements.

Here are five signs it’s time to replace your water heater:

  1. It’s Old: Many water heaters can last up to 15 years; however, if your unit is over 10 years old, it could be nearing the end of its life. If you want to find out how old your water heater is, try checking by the serial number. If the year is nowhere to be found, look up the serial number by the manufacturer.
  2. It Needs Frequent Repairs: Whether your water heater is older or just defective, if you find it constantly needs repairs, it’s time to replace your unit. Instead of pouring money into a water heater that is bound to break, call an experienced HVAC team to help you find an affordable water heater and save you the headache of costly repairs in the future.
  3. You’re Seeing Rusty Water: Have you noticed a brown or rusty color in your hot water lately? This could be a sign your tank and pipes are corroding and your water heater needs replacing. Though rusty water is not always a sign of water heater failure, it’s important to get your unit checked before cracks and leaking begin.
  4. Your Hot Water Doesn’t Last: Represented in its name, a water heater should do a good job keeping your water hot. However, there are several reasons why your water heater isn’t performing up to task, such as old age or sediment buildup. If you notice your water isn’t staying hot for very long, be sure you contact a qualified HVAC team to see if your water heater needs repairs or if it’s time for a replacement.
  1. There’s Sediment Buildup: When a water heater is in need of treatment, you will start to notice muddy or sandy water at the base of your unit. This often happens when sediment is building up in your tank. While this can sometimes be fixed, you may need a replacement unit if your water heater is rusted or has begun leaking.

For more information about replacing your water heater from the experts at Payseno Heating & Cooling, or to receive a free quote, please contact us here or call us directly at 269.589.0020.